Sunday, December 19, 2010

Invoicing again

Here's a little stream-of-consciousness post for ya.

Now that W32::W::Decl is working to create Word files, I need an overall process in which to embed it. What will that look like?

First, it's going to be driven by my invoking something. This "something" is effectively saying, "We are going to run invoices now." And that will involve hitting my prepared ready-to-invoice database in Access, retrieving a query from it, and taking action based on that.

Since everything in my translation business is customer-dependent (each agency has a different workflow for invoicing and, really, for everything else), my first query is simply going to be "which agencies have outstanding finished jobs that should be invoiced?" Then for each of those agencies, I'm going to switch to the agency context (represented in this case by that agency's working directory) and perform "invoicing" in that context.

OK. So here is already an interesting point, because it's workflow and thus I've thought about it for a decade already without satisfactory resolution. Running a script is equivalent to taking an action - a workflow action. But every action happens in a context.

An action and an event are necessarily separate, although in a sense they're the same kind of thing. An event takes place internally to the running program, whereas an action is a long-term, irreversible, action taken in the context of a larger system which includes that running program. An action is workflow.

Thus workflow is going to have to be a part of Class::Declarative, will it or nill it, because running a script is taking action is doing workflow, and in the larger sense we're going to suffer if we don't manage workflow properly. This has to be explicit - well, unless we leave it as a default or something.

So the context. For the time being, I'm going to consider a context to be purely a question of directories. I just can't get my head around much more abstraction than that, although ultimately it's going to end up being necessary, I'm sure.

The context modifies the "system" structure. System structures can be chained, too, allowing us a context hierarchy.

Oh - before I get too much farther here, I need to mention another sort of orthogonal dimension of contextuality, and that's the application. Again, C::Decl needs to take this into consideration right from the start: an application sets up a system context for a set of scripts, too, but stores this configuration in a central location instead of a location relative to the script being run.

The application can be set in one of two ways: first, I can just say "application " in my script. Second, I can specify it on the command line: perl --application= . This allows me to set up extension mappings under windows: .proj might be "perl -MWx::Declarative --application=project ".

The application can monkey with all kinds of things, like importing additional modules and determining the controlling domain. Some of this will be macro-inserted into the current script to be sure it all works out correctly, and that's essentially what the "application" does.

But - and this is key - so does the context. It's just that without an application, we don't actually know what the context is supposed to be named (unless we explicitly name it ourselves).

Oh, which brings me to the third way to invoke a script, which is to associate its extension with a script stored elsewhere...

Well. You can definitely tell this is stream of consciousness. You're lucky to get coherent sentences, even.

  • Invoke a script in situ
  • Invoke a script as a "second language" by giving it -M and other args.
  • Invoke a script as an "application language" by giving it -M and --application=
  • Invoke a non-script file by assigning it to a script.
I've done the first two successfully, defining ".dpl" on my machine as a declarative Perl script. I have only now really formally acknowledged the last two. I'm not really thinking in terms of Unix yet, am I?

Onwards, to other work. Let this simmer.

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