Sunday, November 6, 2011

Decl hits CPAN

For reals this time! I still don't have rights to the Decl namespace (which is why CPAN took its own sweet time indexing the module) so it appears with a honking bold red "** UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE **", but it's up there under my name, which makes me pretty damned happy.

Also nice: except for one test result that I've already fixed for next release, it passes its smoke tests on every system. I love CPAN.

So what's coming up for Decl?
  • Traversal: this is hierarchical structure walking (e.g. directory walk) and mapping (e.g. something like XSLT)
  • Boilerplate and macros in modules, then release of declarative CSS and HTML modules
  • Rewrite Word using some macros (the "select" tag usage is changing) and rerelease it
  • Look again at Wx now that macros work, maybe release Wx 0.01
  • Look at macros in the PDF context, probably release PDF 0.01
  • Database management and access, then release Decl 0.12 with that
  • An error management system, finally, which will probably be Decl 0.13
  • Literate programming and PHP katas and examples, then release Publisher
  • Probably look at Inline next and integrate with Python; I want access to the NLTK.
  • Declarative logic somewhere in here, based on AI:Prolog.
After that, I'm not sure. But it will surely be obvious by then - and I'm equally sure this list won't survive contact with the enemy, either. For example, maybe I'll start thinking more about the Lexicon for real by the time I'm halfway through that list.

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