Saturday, February 11, 2012

Target application: Link mill

Remember the guy who did the nice sorting algorithm visualizations, Aldo Cortesi? He has a great suggestion for an application/service: a link mill manager.

1. Generalized feed consumer: RSS, subreddits, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, etc. All of this goes into not a reader, but a link extractor; for each link, the system keeps track of who recommended it and when.

2. For each link queued, it's presented (along with who recommended it, I suppose, and some kind of extract) to the user, who can do an initial pass of "interesting"/"not interesting".

3. Anything judged interesting is downloaded, through Instapaper or as PDF or what have you, and placed in an easily downloaded reading queue. As you read, you can rate the link, which will propagate back to a rating of the source.

Voila, instant feed management. I'd add that you probably want some way to manage outgoing sharing, via blog post or what have you; to that end, you probably want some way to mark the really interesting things.

Update 2/26/2012: That was quick: Linkrdr.

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