Saturday, February 13, 2010

Closures in Perl

So I've been getting deeper into Perl lately. I wrote a little IRC bot class (Bot::NotSoBasicBot) and during the course of that, found myself writing an event queue that took anonymous subroutines to be run at a scheduled time. Only after doing that did I realize that anonymous subroutines in Perl are closures.

That was something of an epiphany. I took a Scheme class from Dybvig, sure. So I had been exposed to the concept of closures. But not until now did I really comprehend them or really realize what they're for.

Now I'm realizing that Perl is a much, much more powerful language than I ever gave it credit for. As I get deeper into Wx::DefinedUI, I'm pushing my own envelope, building code generators and all kinds of things. I feel as though this programming hiatus of the past few years really allowed me to approach the topic with a fresh eye.

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