Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Target domain: Web interaction

Maybe I shouldn't just be thinking in terms of Web reading, but rather (in the 2.0 spirit) Web interaction. So, on that note, two things:

1. Hookbox is a system (in JS) that treats Websites as channels, and intermediates. Definitely needs analysis.

2. A valuable addition to WWW::Declarative would be the "web-agent". The web-agent is what uses the browser and target sites in order to carry out ... stuff. And that should generalize to an agent in general, and subclass for WWW-specific domain knowledge and actions.

The agent object could provide things like flow charts, action-reaction tables, timing and scheduling, and that sort of thing. You could build a chatbot around a generic agent, for instance. I think it's a sufficiently general concept that it's justified.

Update 7/30/2011 - dammit, the link there is toast now. Probably need Wayback or something to figure it out now. Why do people do that? Thirty seconds on Google gives me an interesting overview that's probably better for my purposes. My knee-jerk interpretation: the guy was hired and Hookbox disappeared into proprietaritude. It looks like it sparked a flurry of interest in late 2010, though.

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