Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Requirements engineering

So I'm translating course material on business process management for the Hochschule Esslingen at the moment, and the topic has turned to something called "requirements management", something I'd never really considered.

But a little googling turned up OpenOME, the Organization Modelling Environment, a project at the University of Toronto that is a part of the larger "agent-oriented approach to software engineering" project.

Standards-based Java programming is generally not terribly to my taste, but I really like the notion of modeling anything and everything about software to be developed. The more model is explicit, the more we've replicated a human's understanding of the context of the code, and the closer we are to semantic programming.

So. Deserves further study. I'm intrigued by the repeated mention of a knowledge base. I really want to know what that's about.

Later update: The PowerPoint presentations are really interesting! And they've come up with a kind of declarative DSL to describe models. This is an encouraging field of inquiry.

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