Saturday, June 11, 2011

Target application: mail (and archive)

Same thing applies to mail. Unison really doesn't do well with mbox-formatted mail, for the obvious reason: Unison works with files. I need a way to categorize mail that synchs between my different machines. And along the way, I need a way to search mail that presents an SQL API. And a way better means of accessing mail from Perl.

On top of that, a client - eventually. But at least I should be able to define some mboxes and work from there. Synching between mbox sets should be easy.

Mail needs to be categorizable with keywords (not just single folders) and honestly, the keywords should be structured as well, so I don't always need to see every job number in the world when categorizing things.

Archival into longer-term storage would be as keyword-specific mboxes. But short-term indexing needs to happen in, say, SQLite.

The client doesn't need to be very impressive; really, a very simple set of functionality should just expose Perl modules dealing with mail. From my research, Mail::Box/Mailtools is kind of the usual solution, but is probably overweight. Reviews mention MIME::Lite and Net::SMTP, but obviously I need to sit down and think about it a bit.

This would entail a Mail::Declarative module. Sorely needed.

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