Saturday, May 26, 2012

A quick note on setting up site hosting at Github

This was actually easier than I'd thought.
  1. Create a new repository (in this case, mltut).
  2. Create a page branch from the admin screen.
  3. Check out the page branch:
    - Make a directory, in this case, mltut-site in my projects directory.
    - Set the origin to, in this case,
    - Fetch from origin
    - Check out branch gh-pages
  4. Register the domain (in this case,
  5. Set the IP to
  6. Create a file in mltut-site named CNAME containing, in this case,
  7. Push that file to the branch.
  8. Wait a few minutes for DNS records to get pushed.
And then you have a new site:  There isn't much there yet.  The idea is to put the tutorial material into the mltut project, and publish it with as-yet-unspecified tools into mltut-site, which will then get pushed out to the site itself, as though by magic!

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